Be Aware
Be Aware Muscat College is actively participating in the health-Promoting Higher Education Institutions Initiative, which was launched by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher

Oman Academy for Small and Medium Enterprises
Oman Academy for Small and Medium Enterprises Signed a training agreement to provide distance learning programs for students and Alumni.

Kidney Health Awareness
Kidney Health Awareness In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Bousher Health Center provided awareness and health check- up station about kidney health.
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I choose Muscat College because of the quality of its programmes, its long history and affiliations with to the world's top universities and most important I wanted to be close to my family...

Graduating from Muscat College in 2016 in Business Studies with honors was my life turning point and highlight. This academic study was not only an addition to my education journey it also opened windows of career opportunity and helped my reach my current job status.

An experience that has breadth my horizon and the vision of life, it gave me the diversity of knowledge in all its forms, as well as the enjoyment of college life and student activities. Proud to have chosen Muscat College as my private higher education institution

I am pursuing my academic studies and developing my leadership skills as a member of Muscat College Student Council. These responsibilities did not hinder my athletic achievements and representation of the Sultanate in international Sport Competitions