Student Clubs
Student groups and Student Clubs offer students a chance to get involved. Students join these groups to meet peers, learn more about a professional organization, voice an opinion or volunteer in the community.
There are many meetings, presentations, workshops and events that take place during the academic year. Student groups play an important role in the organization of these events. They also help the local community, attend national conventions and provide extracurricular opportunities. All clubs and groups are free to join through their supervising department. Most clubs welcome students from all programs except the ones which are program specific. All groups have staff supervisor to support co-curricular and extracurricular events throughout the year. Following is a brief description about Students Clubs and groups at Muscat College:
Photography group:
A group of photography enthusiasts from the college students aims to raise the level of students in the areas of photography and video industry and montage. The group covers various events at the college and organizes workshops and training courses. They participate in forums and external competitions in the same field.
Fine Arts and Arabic Calligraphy:
Group of Fine Arts and Arabic Calligraphy is a group of collectors of various art work of the college students who aims to raise the level of students in the field of different arts and calligraphy. During the various college activities and events they participate to highlight their work. The group provides specialized training workshops in the same field for members of the group and other students, and also participate in competitions and external events in the same field.
Ambassadors of hope:
The group of ambassadors of hope is a voluntary student group, which collects volunteers’ from the students of the college that aims to enhance the value of volunteering in students and evaluate their behaviour inside and outside the institution. The group also undertakes voluntary visits and initiatives outside the institution.
Theatre group:
A group of theatre and arts enthusiasts from the college aims in raising the level of students in the areas of theatre writing, acting, directing and others. The group participates in various events, holds workshops and training courses for the rest of the students in this area. They also participate in forums and competitions organized by government bodies and likewise associations and groups.
Poetry Group:
A group of poetry and presentation enthusiasts are among the college students whose aim is to raise the level of students in the two fields. The group actively participates in various national events, forums and competitions and events that are held in the college. They conduct workshops and training courses for students who are interested in this area.
Scout Group:
The scout group aims to organize events for the faculty that helps in strengthening the professional abilities and skills of the members. Evaluate the attitudes within the framework of religious values, ethics, customs and traditions in the community which forms the cornerstone of the group interaction.
English Club:
The English Club at the Language Centre aspires to build a community for students whose interests lie in using English in different ways other than academics. The English Club organizes different activities for their members and the students of the Foundation Program such as; debate, writing competition and many more fun events wherein students practice and sharpen their linguistic skills in a setting which is close to real life.
Library club:
The library club seeks to be a link between the, students and faculty members. There aims to be the power house for research and knowledge, whether electronic or manual. It also fosters the culture of reading in students and staff through various events. The events organized in the library spread the message of cooperation between the club, other student groups and staff in the college.
IT Club:
Our mission is to make the students use the technology in the best possible manner, and also be updated with the latest trends in IT by conducting regular events and programs. Our main objectives are to enhance knowledge through various workshops, seminars, presentations, competitions and gaming. Explore and enrich the knowledge of students who are ready to explore and innovate in the field of information technology.
Math Club:
Our mission is to provide a platform for students to enhance their math skills beyond classroom, learning and proper utilization of their leisure time. Our main objective is to offer opportunities for a free exchange of mathematical ideas among its members. It also provides a social atmosphere where the students can develop their social skills like co-operation, tolerance, adjustment and open-mindedness. The club activities include fun games, brain teasers, puzzles, discussions, seminars, contests, voluntary tutoring for weak students and much more.
Accounting and Business Club:
The Accounting and Business Club is open to all students with an interest in the field and aims to introduce students to many opportunities and careers available in the field. The club provides various workshops, Guest lectures, Competitions, Exhibitions etc. The Club tries to enhance student interest in the Accounting & Business field, as well as to assist students in the transition from academia to the work place.
The club also acts as an avenue through which the students can network, participate in various social events and meet other students with similar career objectives. During club activities the business and accounting students get together and participate in social activities and discussion for the related topics.
- Promoting the study and practice of business, accounting and finance.
- Providing opportunities for self-development and working in a team.
- Encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility.
Membership Requirements:
The club is open to all accounting and business students. If interested in joining the club you may contact Ms. Gaitri and Ms. Syeeda