Advanced Diploma in Business

The Advanced Diploma in Business is a designed award to equip students with the knowledge and understanding required for success in current and future employment or for progression to further academic and/or professional qualifications. This diploma aims at i) developing candidates’ knowledge and skills required for employment in a business environment, ii) developing study and research skills, iii) developing transferable skills including Core Skills to the levels demanded by employers and iv) preparing candidates for progression to further studies.

  • Credit Values: 31.5 SQA Credit Values (252 Credit Points)
  • Award: Advanced Diploma in Business (Equivalent to Diploma).
  • Duration: 2 Years in Full-Time Mode of Study/ 3 Years in Part-Time Mode of Study.
  • Degree Awarding Body: After the successful completion of the program requirements, the students will be awarded the Award/Exit Certificates from the Scottish Authority Qualification (SQA).
  • Programme Starts: September, December and March

Student Must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Students who have successfully completed the General Education Diploma (Class 12), or obtained equivalent certificates approved by the Ministry of Education in Oman.
  2. Pass Muscat College General Foundation Programme (GFP) or equivalent. Alternatively, a score of 60% and above in the Muscat College Placement Test in each of the components would make the student eligible for exemption from the GFP.

Note: Students who are sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MoHERI) should fulfill the entry requirements specified by the MoHERI.

A business degree ensures you’re well placed for a variety of jobs across many different sectors. Business Studies graduates have opportunities to work in sectors like communications, banking, insurance, marketing, information management, advertising, retailing international trade, and research and development etc. Fresh graduates from the advanced diploma in business have the opportunity to be placed as Banking Assistant, Human Resources Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Assistant in Finance Dept., Production Assistant, Procurement Assistant, Public Relations Assistant and Secretary.
After some years of experience, graduates are able to be placed in a higher level of jobs, such as:
  • Administrative Officer
  • Manufacturing Distribution
  • Administration Supervisor
  • Office Manager
  • Assistant Manager
  • Personal Assistant
  • Banking Advisor
  • Planning Officer
  • Business Development Assistant
  • Purchasing Officer
  • Business Manager
  • Sales Co-ordinator
  • Customer Service Coordinator
  • Team Leader
  • Finance Assistant
  • Trainee Manager

Muscat College is committed to providing quality education for its students. An investment made in joining MC Programs will be the best in terms of returns. MC wants to join hands with students in achieving their goals through its Academic Programmes. MC offers flexible payment modes such as Post Dated Cheques/Direct bank transfer etc. for students not able to pay during the registration period. This help students with financial problems to join programs and be part of thousands of MC graduates who have benefitted from MC degrees and prospered in their life.

Total Tuition Fees: 5250 OMR

Applicable for Both Full Time & Part Time students

Other Fees:

  • Admissions Fees (Paid once): 20 OMR
  • Programme Enrolment Fees (Paid once per Programme): 100 OMR
  • Caution Deposit (Paid once and Refundable): 100 OMR
  • Course Mapping: 20 OMR (Will be exempted if student registered in the College)
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